Borderline Ovarian Cancer

Borderline Ovarian Cancer Introduction Borderline ovarian tumors are a subset of epithelial ovarian tumors that have a very favorable prognosis. The accepted initial treatment is surgical removal of the tumor and biopsies. However, the postoperative management protocol is far from clear. To date, no medical therapy has been shown to clearly improve outcomes. History of the Procedure In 1929, Taylor first described a subset of ovarian tumors that he termed semimalignant . These lesions had a more favorable outcome than other ovarian cancers, but they were not separately classified by the Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) until the early 1970s. Frequency One woman in 55 (1.8%) develops some form of ovarian cancer in her lifetime. Approximately 90% of these cancers are tumors of epithelial origin. If benign lesions are included, epithelial tumors account for 60% o...