

• The right kidney is best examined in the supine position three the liner angel the transducer (Probe Obliquely) Until we have the image of the right kidney a cornel and lateral approached can also be used if the liver is small bowel gases obscure .The visualization of lower pole it may be necessary to role the patient into the right side up position

• Begin with the patient in the Lt,side up position with the patients Lt,arm extended over his or her head and using a cornel approach vary the Lt, side up and oblique position until you can see the kidney

Size of Kidney
The normal adult kidney as measured by ultra sound is between 8 to 13 cm in length and about 5 cm in width
• Kidney have a convex later edge and a concave medial edge

Pathology of Kidney 
Small and stage kidney with and stage kidney diseased both kidneys are small 5 to 8 cm in length but renal sinus echo's are visible there is renal parenchyma is usually shrunken focal loss of parenchyma indicates chronic nefritis.The renal parenchyma may show evidence of increased echogensity however if only one kidney is small and diseased the kidney may be extremely small infects the kidney may be almost impossible to visualized even though the patient is a symptomatic and echoganic center and some renal parenchyma will still be visible

Renal Calculus or calculi or Stone

• These may be as following a single or simple calculus. This type of calculus are single in no sono graphically we can see a very bright hyper echoeic nature image in the pelvictation system of the kidney in the size of calculus is less then 3mm it will no produce posterior shadowing but when the size is more then 5mm it will produce shadowing posterior

Multiple Calculi
• These are multiple in size of more then 5mm it produce shadowing posterior
• Stage  Horn Calculs 
As indicated from the name these renal calculus as like a stage horn structure is irregular .we can see an irregular structure which is hyper echoic sparklingly bright producing shadow posterior
Kidney, Liver, Ultrasound, Services, Trainings, Tech, International, Online, Classes, Lessons, Chapters, Waves, Radiology, Study, Books, Info, Information, Pakistan, International, Number , #, 1,


Anonymous said…
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.. It is ρurely natural ѕο no siԁe сonѕequеncеѕ.

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